The Mirror Of Reality
You stand before a mirror.
(Your reflection stares back).
This figure feels familiar,
Yet not quite the same as you remember.
Nothing could be clearer:
You’ve entered a new era.
You’re called to step through the looking glass.
Will you give yourself permission?
Will you turn away instead?
© December 2023 | Bella Bankes
Watch My Latest Video Journal
“ . . . repetition itself becomes the important thing; it’s a form of mesmerism. I mesmerize myself to reach a deeper state of mind."
— bestselling author Haruki Murakami talking to The Paris Review
The Connection Between Eras & Rituals
I was reflecting on the way Taylor Swift uses fashion trends to craft and define her eras — even within her lyrics — in a way that compels her audience feel personallly connected to her, and she’s turned that entire concept into a whole new era with her current Eras tour. Speaking of which, Time recently posted an article about Taylor’s self-care and routines on the Eras tour.
If you stop to look back over your life, you can notch out different eras of the person you have been along a timeline (similar to historical eras). What’s interesting to think about is how we are always in the process of transformation, even when it feels like we’re stuck. The concept of eras, then, can be super helpful to getcha unstuck and back to being present.
Each new era of who we are brings new interests, new preferences, new fascinations, new imaginings, new self-expression.
It’s especially noticeable in hindsight.
Our identity shapeshifts within each new era.
New rituals are born.
Few are long-lasting.
And all of this is temporary (including ourselves).
Journal Prompts. When it comes to expression, self-care, and ritual:
How would you categorize your eras over the years?
What era are you in right now?
Which eras were difficult to leave behind?
Is there anything you’re clinging to that makes it difficult to integrate into a new era?
Bonus: How would you describe the color of your spirit in the current era? (for those who want a jump on next week’s edition)
Make 2024 the Era of Reclaiming Your Imagination
The word ‘imagination’ holds a lot of power, and it becomes even more powerful when we attune ourselves to its potential. There’s something more resonant about using ‘imagination’ in the place of words like ‘visualization’ and ‘meditation’. It drops the formality. It feels more casual and more natural to simply imagine something than to try to master techniques.
Imagination is something we often link back to childhood, yet it serves us every single day in adulthood. We don’t leave our imagination behind in adulthood but many of us lose touch with its depth, possibility, and magic.
Still, we are always imagining.
Especially unconsciously.
This year, let’s choose to use our imagination as a conscious act.
The University of Kent’s School of Psychology conducted “research into the effects of age on the imagination” that “directly refutes the commonly held belief that we become less imaginative as we get older.” The research demonstrated that “contrary to popular opinion, the adult imagination is not only as vivid as that of a child but even becomes more active with age.” The findings were based on prompting over 470 people between the ages of 4 and 81.
So what about our unconscious imaginings (imaginings that happen sort of on autopilot)?
We imagine what so-and-so will say about our most recent social media post, the important people who might see it and hire us. We imagine what to have for dinner. We imagine that we aren’t as interesting or beautiful or creative or successful as literally everyone else on the internet.
We imagine the next day and how we can’t bear to face it, or what we’ll have to say and how we’ll say it. We imagine how all of that is going to go wrong and be awful.
Here’s the thing: we can ritualize imagining the best-case scenarios. This can become our default. I can tell you, this works. Not perfectly, but there’s peace in knowing you can imagine anything, whenever you decide to. Whenever you need to.
When was the last time you imagined a whole world for yourself, exactly the way you want it to be?
Hint: this is where your DreamField comes in :)
I’m not talking about using other people’s imaginative works to escape reality ( e.g. books, movies, video games, social media stalking, or living vicariously through others *grin* ) .
I’m talking about using your own imagination with intention.
As 2024 approaches, I challenge you to consciously imagine your next era.
Imagine it with intention.
Imagine yourself existing fully in what the coming era of your life will be like.
Fill it out with all the details you can muster.
Just imagine. Nothing more.
No expectations, just imagining.
Let these imaginings be natural.
Allow them to guide you.
Imagine anytime you can. During lunch. In the shower. Before bed. Each time, pick up where you left off and continue. Imagine your ideal you, your ideal lifestyle, and the intimate details.
“Visualization is not merely a mental exercise, it is a sensory experience.”
— Sehnend
I believe that being in alignment with imagination (and our intuitive senses) is our most natural state. It tells us so much about ourselves. It connects us to an infinite source of creativity and wisdom.
As we move into 2024, I encourage you to reclaim your imagination, to use it in a way that strengthens your faith, helps you know yourself better, and improves your practices, rituals, and routines.
In the next edition of Gradients, we will explore something extra special — our relationship with color — a natural phenomenon that surrounds us every second and influences us in many ways.
Recommended Reading & Video
CHURCH, J. (2008). The Hidden Image: A Defense of Unconscious Imagining and Its Importance. American Imago, 65(3), 379–404. — note: you can read this glorious work in full by creating a free account.
via Sehnend on YouTube.